OR Core Rules Finalized

What a journey it has been. When we first launched on Kickstarter we were on version 1.01 of the rules pack. We were proud of that release and thought that over a year of playtesting and hard work it had been honed into the best thing it could be.

But we were wrong.

It isn’t that the release rules pack was bad. We wouldn’t release something which we thought was lackluster. But it had so much room to grow and evolve. It needed exposure to more people with their own ideas and styles of play. In short, it needed a more playtesting and development. Fortunately the OR community stepped up to help, giving us much needed data and some great ideas. We listened and because of that, we got something better than we could have made doing it just on our own.

From March 2021 to October 2021 we went from version 1.01 to version 1.15. In addition, we added subfaction rules which will be moved out of beta soon and folded into the main game. It’s our intent that this will be the version of the core rules which goes to print. This version has more maturity and depth than the original, and by consequence allows for more fun and dynamic games to happen.

If you watched the original videos or read that initial rules pack, thank you for taking the time. If you had reservations or felt it needed more, your instincts were right. Have another look and let us know what you think. You can find the rules under the Resources tab at the top of the page as well as a button to join the Discord server. We think that the OR Discord community is the best, and it would be great to have you be a part of it.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who has given their time to help us make the best game we can. We can’t do it without you.

Want to meet other players? Have a rules question or feedback for the team?

Join us on the Outward Realms Discord.